In Europe, only portable ev chargers that meet this standard can be used in corresponding plug-in pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Because such a charger has protection functions such as Type A +6mA +6mA pure DC leakage detection, line grounding monitoring, charging current limitation and electric shock prevention, it can minimize the chance of danger.
IEC 62752 Cable control and protection devices (IC-CPD) for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles
In-cable control and protection device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)
IEC 62752 In-cable control and protection device (IC-CPD) for Mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles, hereinafter referred to as IC-CPD, includes control and safety functions.

This standard is applicable to portable equipment that simultaneously performs residual current detection, comparison of this current value with the remaining operating value, and protection circuit disconnection when the residual current exceeds this value.
The portable charger IC-CPD product can be connected to the 16A socket of the home power distribution network. However, in most European countries, the actual current used by this product when connected to a household socket is limited to 12A. France is 10A.
At the matching household plug end, a temperature sensing element can be installed to monitor the temperature of the plug. Under abnormal circumstances, the circuit can be cut off in time to give consumers the greatest protection.
The portable charger IC-CPD product can also instantly monitor whether the wiring network is correct. For example, if the ground wire is accidentally missing, causing the failure of the indirect contact protection, IC-CPD will accurately take countermeasures to prevent the failure.
Main test content:
9.2 Description of test conditions
9.3 Marking inerasability test
9.4 Electric shock protection verification
9.5 Dielectric property test
9.6 Temperature rise test
9.7 Verification of operating characteristics
9.8 Verification of mechanical and electrical durability
9.9 Verification of IC-CPD performance under overcurrent conditions
9.10 Verification of resistance to mechanical shock and impact
9.11 Heat resistance test
9.12 Heat and fire resistance of insulating materials
9.13 Verification of self-tests
9.14 Verify IC CPD performance under supply voltage loss
9.15 Verification of non-operating current limits under overcurrent conditions
9.16 Verify resistance to unnecessary tripping to ground caused by surge currents caused by impulse voltages
9.17 Reliability verification
9.18 Aging resistance
9.19 Tracking Resistance
9.20 Testing pins equipped with insulating sleeves
9.21 Mechanical strength test of plug non-solid pins
9.22 Verify the effect of strain on conductors
9.23 Check the torque applied by the IC CPD to the fixed socket
9.24 Test of rope anchorage
9.25 Flexural test of non-removable IC CPD
9.26 Verification of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
9.27 Tests in place of verification of creepage distances and clearances
9.28 Verification of individual electronic components used in IC CPD
9.29 Chemical loading
9.30 Thermal tests under solar radiation
9.31 Resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation
9.32 Moisture and salt spray tests in marine and coastal environments
9.33 Damp heat test in tropical environment
9.34 Vehicles passing by
Post time: Nov-08-2023